Saturday, July 18, 2009

CircumHorizon Arc

From My Picture Gallery

So I just returned from yellowstone and while waiting for a geyser to blow, we spotted a rare Circumhorizon Arc in the sky. It is formed by Ice crystals in high cirrus clouds dispersing light from the sun, similar to a rainbow. There are lots of cool atmospheric optical effects out there, just keep an eye out for them. Click here for a link to an explanation of many of them.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Room Change

Well this week we moved tables from R-2 into H-1, my new classroom. We are currently ordering cabinets and some new technology to modernize the room as best we can. If all goes well it will be in place by the start of school.

Back to physics stuff - here's a clever video/rap some students made about Relativity

Good Phun!!